Thursday, October 28, 2010

My Childhood Stages of Photography

Photography: a hobby I never thought that I could get into.

Before, I had no idea what it was about, its mechanisms and background. And it made me really scratch my head when I first held my DSLR camera (Actually, its my parent's. But, I could say its mine because I'm the one who uses it always and does all of the tweaking. hahaha!! ) All I understand totally is just taking pictures - nothing more, nothing less. . .

Well perhaps, it was pressure and curiosity at the same time that led me to get aligned with this "gadget" that's been sweeping different people of different walks of life nowadays. So I read the manual (I had the Nikon D90 with 18-105mm kit and 50mm f/1.8) and searched for free sites of basic photography lessons. Then, open sesame!!! 

Here are the first few shots I had months ago:

To see more pictures, click the links below:
Random Photography (Part 1)
Random Photography (Part 2)

It was surprising and full of fun. I, for one, was even amazed of the shots I took (Twas my first time to see pictures taken on a DSLR, so please do bear with me. LOL!)

I still have lots of things to learn. I am thinking of going for a photo workshop, but got no idea where. hahaha!!!

I'm going to post more albums and pictures on this blog not too soon. Photography indeed has driven me nuts!!!

Please don't forget to click any reaction (funny, interesting, cool) below or write comments. I would totally appreciate that. Thanks . . .


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