Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Night was a WOWER!!!

It's been a week that I haven't updated my blog with any new post.

Perhaps, I was just busy doing a lot of things and lots of chillax during the past few days, or I was not in the right mood to say anything. haha!!

Well, tonight was something. It was a wower! haha!

While I was about to read a book to kill boredom, I noticed there were series of lights flashing outside. It wasn't raining.

I wondered why. So, I looked out the window.

There were thick clouds above the metropolitan area and on SRP in Mambaling area- thunder and lightning clashing together.

I hurriedly took my tripod, ran upstairs, and was hoping to take a wower shot again. -> (Check out my lightning shots 2 months ago: Laxus )

Strings of lightning were slim. Big cloud formations were present though while being illuminated by the heaven's electricity.

3 Lightning touched the ground (zoom in)

Then, I gave up.

I went to my room somewhat disappointed (tsk3 I need a fiercer picture than my last lightning shots).

Then suddenly, KABOOM! A series of lightning blasted outside my window. I setup my camera quickly and tripod again as I don't want to lose that opportunity again. nyahahahaha!!

After a few moments of patience and astonishment . . .

Te-de-de-deng . . .


Bwahahaha!! With just one picture, I was speechless and in awe. 



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